Can You Take A Break From Your Relationship?

Taking a break may be an effective way to deal with trust issues, constant arguing, boredom, intimacy problems, or any other challenges in a relationship. It can give you some time to work on yourself or consider certain issues in...

Relationship Coaching: How Does It Help?

We all experience emotional distress in our relationships for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the relationships we build with other people can even seem like the main cause of our unhappiness. If this sounds like you, you may be wondering...

Coping With An Anxiety Crisis: How To Center Yourself

Occasional feelings of isolation, fear, panic, and uncertainty are natural responses to stressful situations. However, these emotional reactions are far more intense and take a greater emotional toll on individuals with anxiety disorder.  While you may feel like there’s nothing...

What Are Your Survival Patterns in Relationships?

Do you use survival patterns… and not even know it? What Are Survival Patterns? They are skills you develop to help you navigate your emotional pain. These patterns, often referred to as love styles, help you manage and tolerate the...

What Role Does Self-Love Play In Your Life?

For many people, self-love means occasionally treating yourself to an expensive piece of clothing or dedicating a night just to yourself. However, the true feeling of self-love is something that you should build and nurture throughout your life. In fact,...

Does Love Make The World Go Round?

All you need is love. Whether that is true or not, there’s no denying that most of us need and seek love in order to feel happy and complete. But how much do we really know about love? Is love...

Does Your Relationship Lack Emotional Intimacy?

Being romantically involved with another human being implies intimacy. Most of us place great importance on physical intimacy, and rightfully so, but there is also a whole other aspect of intimacy that is closely linked to the physical one: emotional...

Philophobia: Why Do We Fear Love?

For most people, love is the ultimate ideal. We crave it, we seek it, we cherish it when we receive it. However, not everybody is so willing to open up their heart and experience everything that love has to offer....

The Silent Treatment: Is It Abuse?

Most of us have been ignored at least once or twice in our lives. Surely, we can all agree that being given the silent treatment does not feel good. In fact, the silent treatment can often be used as a...

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