PIVOTWorks March 2023

Time Is On My Side!

The year 2023 is well underway – and I am finding myself slowing down to be mindful of the moments that matter. The PIVOT team recently gathered at the Glass House for an eventful week of training, bonding, and acknowledgement for each member’s impressive contributions to PIVOT. Beyond having lots of fun, the weekend proved to be a perfect opportunity for our coaches to further master the art of our personalized PIVOTS catering to each client’s unique needs, as well as to share their expertise in working with families, couples, duos and businesses. Our weekend began with “The Magic of PIVOT” dinner and a heartfelt tribute by Ron Armstrong who has been in the behavioral health industry for years. We appreciate his expertise and wisdom when it comes to helping others. Our PIVOT Oscar Party was truly red-carpet worthy, complete with sequin gowns, suits, music inspiring the most daring dance moves – and, of course, Oscar-inspired trophies. A few noteworthy were Fernando Rodriguez getting the Master PIVOT Ninja Oscar and Cindy Finch getting the PIVOT Heart Award!

A Common Language

One of the beauties of PIVOT is that our coaches share a common language. Thanks to our talented and devoted team, PIVOT is constantly evolving. There’s no substitute for teamwork and that’s why it’s important for us to host ongoing retreats uniting the PIVOT team. Nothing can ever truly replace the magic of spending in-person time with the important people in your life. I love that we also get to help couples and families find common relational language that can create connection and eliminate confusion. 

Speaking of common language, if you are an alumni, I’d love for you to join myself and other alumni for the monthly Healthier Hour with LJ call that we started a few months ago! It’s fun seeing how folks are using the tools and it’s inspiring to see other healthy adults helping others! Our next call is this coming Monday, March 20th at 5:30 pst! RSVP to Kayla to get the zoom link: Kayla@lovetopivot.com.

In This Issue

In this issue, we’d like to introduce Markus Weingart, who turned his long-running success as a sports coach and financial wizard into an even more rewarding career as a PIVOT Coach. Meet Eric, a PIVOT client who acquired empowering tools to use when he feels like isolating. Find out what’s new and noteworthy under the PIVOT umbrella. It’s all in the March issue of PIVOTworks.

Realize Your Reality

I aim to build happiness and purpose into each and every day. We’re here to help you – and remind you that it’s never too late to journey inward and pivot to a healthier way of life. We invite you to join us with open arms – and open hearts!


lori jean signature

Coaches Corner

Coach Markus Tunes Into His Healthy Adult Before Reacting

“I grew up with three older brothers, so communication was a must in our household – and this communication was sometimes healthy and sometimes not so healthy! However, we strived for goal-oriented teamwork. As an adult, I like working with all types of people to promote effective communication, aid in relationship building and to offer encouragement through positive reinforcement,” says PIVOT Coach Markus Weingart.


Sports was another big part of Markus’ life growing up. “I was around lots of people and always around sports. I was destined to become an athlete, and I excelled at becoming one. I was a natural,” continues Markus, who is a fan of the Golden State Warriors, Dallas Cowboys, and Oakland A’s. Markus graduated from playing sports to coaching. He has coached kids ranging in age from ten to seventeen in baseball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, as well as coaching adult softball for 25 years. Markus also worked at a sports camp for children with social skill challenges, as well as studied psychology in college.


In his pre-PIVOT days, Mark was an institutional stock trader and partner at two separate money management firms for over two decades. In these roles, he helped companies generate profits through buying and selling stocks. Doing so gave him an opportunity to learn the value of patience, discipline and – above all else – how to sit with his feelings without impulsively acting on them. The experience was a great foundation for his subsequent PIVOT coaching career, which he says fully fills his heart and soul.


PIVOT has helped Markus expand his world – literally! “My wife and I have learned that we each have our own unique and individual patterns because of the ways in which we grew up. Learning to appreciate each other’s positives has enhanced our relationship and brought us closer in so many ways. For one: While Larissa loves seeing the world, I was never much of a traveler. It has been an amazing gift and an incredible journey to share in my wife’s enthusiasm for travel. So far, my favorite place is Bali,” adds Markus. His wife, PIVOT Coach Larissa, introduced Markus to the curriculum. The couple have three children – Shelby, 19; Ashley, 18; and Nate, 15 – along with two pups named Bear and Oski. Thanks to the PIVOT process, Markus shares that what used to be a two-day argument with his wife is often now a 20-minute conversation.


He is grateful that his path in life led him to PIVOT. “My experience helping kids and adults effectively communicate in sports settings, along with my career in finance, were natural tie-ins for me to become a successful PIVOT coach. Given my skill set, becoming a PIVOT coach was a natural progression. Working with individuals on a deeper level – helping them develop healthier relationships with themselves and others – was a perfect fit. Although I initially thought I’d prefer to coach younger men, I am now working with and thoroughly enjoy coaching women, couples, families, and people from all age groups.” Prior to becoming a PIVOT Coach, Markus attended both Men’s 5-Day PIVOT Glass House Retreats (1.0 and 2.0).


Minimizing life’s inevitable frustrations is a huge plus for Markus. “PIVOT has given me a greater understanding about where my unhealthy reactions to life came from and provided me with powerful repair tools. The goal is to respond to life in healthier ways by being proactive instead of reactive. PIVOT has helped me resolve challenging situations in real-time. By giving myself an opportunity to pause before reacting from the vantage point of my inner child or adolescent (which can get me into trouble!), I can look to my healthy adult for guidance,” he adds.


If PIVOT changes lives, why do so many people resist seeking healthier ways to engage in life? Markus believes that it’s easy to get used to old patterns and behaviors. “After a while,” he continues, “patterns (for better or worse) repeat themselves and with this comes a certain level of acceptance. In many cases, the situation needs to become bad enough for someone to jump into action in search of solutions. It all starts with a desire to change – and PIVOT is proof that help is readily available.”

Client Spotlight

Gaining Awareness Has Helped Eric Embrace Life

 “I was going through a tough time and drifted into four months of silence. Everything hit me at once – including problems in my business and in my relationship. I stopped engaging in life, skipped my cousin’s wedding… I shut myself off from the world. It was at this point that I decided I didn’t want to be in this dark place anymore,” says Eric, who subsequently signed up for the 5-Day Men’s PIVOT Glass House Retreat

As someone who likes knowledge in hefty doses, Eric found this intensive 5-day experience to be an ideal way to jump into the PIVOT curriculum. He now works with a PIVOT Coach to reinforce what he has learned, as well as to dig deeper in the process. Eric was introduced to the curriculum by a PIVOT Coach who is now his fiancé (although she is not his PIVOT Coach!)

Here And Now

One of the biggest takeaways for Eric was becoming acquainted with his survival patterns as a child and teen. “Understanding why I shut down was a huge breakthrough for me. Growing up, most of my defense mechanisms involved getting quiet and isolating. Gaining this awareness is really helping me address my behavior in the here and now when it starts happening. It no longer drags me down for long periods of time,” adds Eric, who resides in Phoenix, Arizona with his fiancé and their beloved pup. 

Men’s Club

Eric explains that being at the PIVOT Retreat in the company of men who had their own set of challenges and struggles was another advantage to the experience. “Spending time with men of all ages and from all backgrounds who share so many similarities in the way of childhood trauma was super powerful. I haven’t been around very many men who discuss these types of things, so it was extremely helpful for me to be able to communicate my feelings – and to have these men share what they have gone through,” adds Eric, who is an entrepreneur who creates businesses involving products and software.

Change The Channel

PIVOT has helped Eric acquire real-time tools to address his eating disorder. “I used to be bulimic, however, I never addressed the actual binging part of the disorder. PIVOT has helped me confront the mindless eating that still haunts me at times. When I’m standing in the kitchen numbing myself with bags of chips, the first order of business is to realize it’s happening. With this awareness, I can change the channel by putting down the chips and grabbing a glass of water or going for a walk.”

Happy, Healthy & Hopeful

Eric never gave up in his quest to find help, and he has witnessed the power of hope firsthand. “I’ve been through a bunch of different therapists, programs, and meditation practices. All of these have helped me incrementally, but not to the point where I fully understood myself and my actions. This is the first process that really broke through the core parts of who I truly am based on what happened throughout my life. You may think you have tried everything. I thought I had until I was introduced to PIVOT.”

What’s Happening

Get a Jump Start in Life

Upcoming Young Adult Women’s Retreat!

We’re excited to announce our first ever Young Adult Women’s Retreat coming this summer – July 17th – 21st. This intensive retreat is designed to empower young women (18 – 24) with tools to connect, bond, and inspire each other, as well as to laugh, celebrate life and learn effective tools to help navigate relationships, jobs, school, etc. Participants will leave with more resilience to respond to life in healthier ways as opposed to reacting in haste. The tools acquired will be of immense value as our participants forge ahead in life. If you or someone you know is interested, contact PIVOT admissions (admissions@lovetopivot.com) for further details or to sign up now! We only have six available slots left.

Let’s Connect

You’re Invited to PIVOT Live 

If you are unfamiliar with all our services and are curious about PIVOT, RSVP to attend our monthly event – PIVOT LIVE  – with our admissions wizard and PIVOT coach, Kayla! PIVOT LIVE is an opportunity to ask questions, network with others, etc. RSVP for the zoom link. Send an email to: Kayla@lovetopivot.com.

It’s Never Too Late

Father Daughter Dance: A One “Dad” Play

PIVOT Alumni, Tim Taylor is going to be at the Marin Civic Center on Saturday, May 6th at 7pm performing his heartfelt one “dad” play about the relationship between a father and  his daughter. Get your tickets through the Marin Showcase site. His podcast can be found here: Father Daughter Dance! Watch our Insta @lovetopivot for more information as the date gets closer. We saw his performance in San Francisco a few months ago and it was incredible. He’s been in Oregon and soon performing in Chicago. Talk about Healthy Adulting! The play is about one dad’s journey from darkness to redemption and facing his addiction, mental health challenges, and generational trauma, Tim learned how to love and care for his daughter and as he describes,”It’s Never Too Late.” Bravo TIM!

Laughter and Some Tears


We love the show Ted Lasso!  f you haven’t seen it, the show is an award-winning Apple TV+ show about an American football coach who is sent across the pond to manage the fictional English soccer team, AFC Richmond! It’s now back for its third and final season (hopefully, they will change their minds.) There are countless feel good moments, terrific acting, and for some of us, some tears. Connection matters and this show is a great example of just that!

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