PIVOT Relationship Blog

Anxious Attachment Style Explained

We all want to be loved, to feel valued, secure, and appreciated. We seek help, approval, and emotional response from our partners, family, and friends. We also fear losing someone’s love. Now, what if we experience these fears and needs...

What Is Love Addiction?

Since humanity became humanity, love has been a centerpiece around which everything we know revolves around. Arts, sciences, societies, cultures, every idea, every concept, every motion – they all came from an honest desire to enrich and better our lives....

Relational Freedom Can Feel Like A Secure Attachment

Attachment theory (Bowlby and Ainsworth) seeks to understand and trace the root origins and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. These attachment traits take place across various domains, encompassing friendships, parent-child bonds, and romantic connections. Through the interplay of personality traits,...

Ambivalent Attachment Can Feel Like Love Anxiety

The attachment styles we show in our adult relationships, especially our intimate ones, are largely shaped by our early childhood interactions with parents or caregivers. These models of behavior leave lasting effects, whether positive or negative. If a child at...

Avoidant Attachment Can Feel Like Love Avoidance

For many people, experiencing love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. You may find yourself flooded by emotional responses and eager for the object of your love to be wrapped up in all of the intensity and intimacy...

Anxious Attachment Can Feel Like Love Addiction

Love is probably the most discussed emotion in the realm of human feelings. We know it when we feel it - we feel the void when it is absent. We may not be able to easily define it, but we...

What Is Attachment: How Human Behavior Forms

“Attachment” is a term meant to describe the way that we connect with each other in the context of emotional safety and trust. When Attachment Theory was developed (Bowlby and Ainsworth), the concept was given that early in life, the...

11 Reasons Love Bombing Is a Red Flag

We all love displays of affection hurled our way, especially so when we’re at the precipice of a new romantic relationship. Whether it’s a single rose, a well-placed compliment, or a cute surprise picnic at our favorite park, it makes...

Love Bombing: Is It Love or Not?

Love simply happens. It can catch up to us in the most precarious of situations, in the most unexpected of places, and at the most inconvenient of times. However, when it does, there are no two ways of going about...

Love Bombing & Trauma: Is There a Connection

Picture this: you meet someone and find yourself on the precipice of a nuclear romance. This new person is the epitome of charm, sending a tidal wave of affection and admiration your way, a true dream come true. As the...

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