The Joys And Pains Of Starting A Relationship

Reviewed by: Cindy Finch, LCSW

Becoming romantically involved with someone new is usually a fun experience that opens up new possibilities and horizons. However, beginning a relationship also brings its own set of challenges that may put a damper on the initial excitement. 

Whether you’ve met someone on the internet and want to know if your online date is serious or wonder how you can overcome physical intimacy issues, attending a romantic relationship building skills workshop may be of immense help. And if you are looking for some quick insightful tips on starting off a relationship, keep on reading! 

How Do You Start Off A Relationship?

Is It Normal To Fight In The Beginning Of A Relationship?

While there are some relationships that start off quite effortlessly and passionately, most people have their doubts and uncertainties when they meet someone new that sparks their interest. Will this work out? Do they truly like me? Am I making a mistake? These are just some of the common questions that run through people’s minds when starting a relationship.

If you want to get rid of all the doubtful and insecure thoughts and start off your relationship without stress and worry, keep the following tips in mind: 

  1. Vulnerability is not a weakness

    We understand that it can be difficult to be vulnerable sometimes, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past. Still, if you want to start off your relationship with honesty and healthy boundaries, you will have to be clear on how to communicate your wants and needs and come to the relationship with curiosity.

  2. Refrain from playing games

    More often than not, dating games lead to nothing more than confusion, bitterness, and insecurities. Instead, try to be direct and honest in your communication, and your potential partner will hopefully reciprocate.   

  3. Take it slow

    Even if your new relationship is extremely passionate and fiery right off the bat, you may want to exercise caution and patience, especially if you haven’t known your partner for too long. And what’s the rush, anyway? Savor each moment as it comes and see where things go.

  4. Get to know yourself first

    You’ve surely heard this one before, but there’s no denying that loving yourself first is a prerequisite for building a healthy relationship. Before you jump into a relationship, make sure you know yourself well, both emotionally and sexually. 

  5. Listen to your intuition

    While your inner critic may sometimes send you the wrong signals, you should still pay attention to your gut instincts. If you just feel like something is off with your potential partner, it may very well be the case.

  6. Don’t ignore warning signs

    This one is especially true if you’ve met someone online. Get familiar with the common red flags of online dating and don’t meet up in person if you don’t feel completely certain about their intentions.

Is The Beginning Of A Relationship The Hardest?

For many people, the blossoming of a relationship is the most beautiful part. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone, as many relationships start off quite turbulently. If your new relationship has had a rough start, you may be wondering if experiencing difficulties is normal in this stage and whether your relationship is likely to develop into something healthier. 

We’ll say one thing – love is not easy. Essentially, there are no rules as to how relationships should develop, and you and your partner may experience challenges that are entirely different from those of other couples. Nevertheless, here’s what people tend to struggle with the most at the start of a relationship: 

  • Not knowing where you stand in the relationship  
  • Overanalyzing their partner’s words and actions 
  • Struggling to set healthy boundaries 
  • Fear of losing independence in the relationship 
  • Conflicting values 
  • Problems with physical intimacy 

Is It Normal To Fight In The Beginning Of A Relationship?

If you and your new partner fight a lot, that doesn’t mean that your relationship is doomed. However, sometimes too much is simply too much, and you should know how to tell if the relationship is worth fighting for or not. Here are some types of fights that may indicate that the relationship is in trouble: 

  • You argue about the nature of your relationship: if you and your partner don’t have the same idea about the relationship, you’re off to a rocky start. 
  • There is a severe lack of trust: healthy relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. While lacking trust early in the relationship is often normal, there should at least be a willingness to work things through from both sides. 
  • One or both of the partners are too needy: While it’s entirely natural that you’d want to spend every moment of your day with your partner during the initial stages of the relationship, excessive neediness is rarely a good sign. 

How Long Before A Relationship Is Serious?

Every relationship moves at its own pace. In fact, there are no hard rules about timelines in relationships. Some couples hit it off instantly and know where they stand after just a couple of dates, while others experience varying levels of confusion and uncertainty in this regard. 

There are several factors that may influence the timeline of your relationship and how quickly you decide to make it exclusive. Here are some positive signs that your relationship is serious: 

  • You and your partner communicate honestly and consistently 
  • You’ve known your partner for at least a couple of months 
  • Both you and your partner are ready for an exclusive relationship 
  • You can see a future with the person you’re dating 

Learn How to Attach Securely In Our Relationship Building Skills Workshop 

Is The Beginning Of A Relationship The Hardest?

Are you experiencing difficulties with creating and building healthy and strong relationships? Seeking help from insightful relationship coaches may be the perfect solution. At PIVOT, we offer insightful relationship guidance to individuals and couples who struggle with relational issues. What’s more, we also offer a wide range of relationship workshops that help you overcome emotional wounds

No matter what your relationship struggles may be, know that you can change things for the better. Reach out to PIVOT Advocates today and start your path to happiness and peace. 

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